Thursday, October 16, 2008


Work? Who wants to work. Not me. Here are my favorite ways in which to procrastinate!

1) Watch TV – catch up on DVRed shows . . . I have like 12 Oprah episodes to watch.
2) Read.
3) Clean – yes clean (especially the bathroom, that is my favorite room to clean!)!!
4) Go shopping.
5) Sit on the couch and do nothing at all (although, this is very hard for me to do!!).

Friday, August 8, 2008

You Tube

I have been trying to figure out what my first list should be and I think I finally figured something out. Actually, to be honest, I took a suggestion from someone very wise . . . wiser than me (thanks Jess!). Here goes . . . my top five You Tube Videos of the day!!

1. The Dog Whisperer

2. Charlie Bit My Finger

3. Kick the Monster’s Ask

4. Burnouts – European and Iraq Style

5. Dancing Sasquatch

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Lists of Life

I love reading everyone else's blogs, so after some persuasion from a wonderful friend, I finally have one too!! This blog will be devoted to my favorite type of journaling: Lists! Yeah! I took a class earlier this summer and learned that list writing is a valid form of journaling - who knew!! Here is to my new blogging adventure!!