Friday, August 8, 2008

You Tube

I have been trying to figure out what my first list should be and I think I finally figured something out. Actually, to be honest, I took a suggestion from someone very wise . . . wiser than me (thanks Jess!). Here goes . . . my top five You Tube Videos of the day!!

1. The Dog Whisperer

2. Charlie Bit My Finger

3. Kick the Monster’s Ask

4. Burnouts – European and Iraq Style

5. Dancing Sasquatch

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Lists of Life

I love reading everyone else's blogs, so after some persuasion from a wonderful friend, I finally have one too!! This blog will be devoted to my favorite type of journaling: Lists! Yeah! I took a class earlier this summer and learned that list writing is a valid form of journaling - who knew!! Here is to my new blogging adventure!!